Juhla Mokka Special Edition bags

tutorial for weaving a bag from coffee bags

I got a wish for a coffee bag that would have the year 1929 visible on the design. These coffee packets are almost completely different shades of red with golden patterns and texts. The only parts that do not belong to this color scheme are the Juhla Mokka and Jubileums Mocca logos on the sides of the package and the barcode on the back.

I didn’t find this particular year part of the coffee packet pattern particularly interesting and I couldn’t come up with a nice pattern for it, so I decided to weave by mixing strips cut from these coffee packets together without a regular pattern. I also decided to keep the upper parts of the packages, in case there was enough material above the P logo to use it in another weaving project. I also paid attention to hiding the white logo, so that the finished bag does not show bright white patterns, but the colors stay in red and gold.

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The bag consists of 14 woven squares, each with 12 strips (168 pieces in total). The width of one strip is 7 cm and 2-3 strips are cut from one coffee packet. I bought a new burgundy ribbon (from Ompelijamaailma) for this bag, which I hope will be used for other coffee bag bags in the future. The squares are connected to each other with a black 1 cm wide plastic curling gift ribbon and the upper edge of the bag is finished with 4 mm black polyester anorak cord (also from Ompelijamaailma). You can see the complete weaving instructions in the video (my most viewed video in Youtube):

The size of the bag is 30 x 30 x 15 cm.

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basket with a zig zag pattern

The 2020 Juhla Mokka Christmas packages have a fun knit pattern. There is a heart pattern on the bottom of the package, which has been used in this project with the plain red of the regular Juhla Mokka packages.

Two edge layers of coffee packets are woven into a basket with zigzag weaving, and the bottom of the basket is woven from monochromatic strips derived from the same weaving technique.

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You can see instructions for basket weaving in the video:

A total of 92 coffee bags have been used for the basket, from each of which one strip has been cut. 52 of the strips are plain and 40 are heart-patterned.

The size of the strips is 15,3 x 7 cm. The width of the folded strip is 2,4 cm.

The size of the base of the basket is 14 x 21 cm and the height is 17,5 cm.

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coffee bag pencil jar

After one bag and one basket, there was still a good amount of the lower parts of the Juhla Mokka confetti bags left. A confetti-patterned part of these bags has been cut into this basket.

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The basket consists of two pieces with two corners, each of which has 14 strips, i.e. 28 pieces in total. The strip width is 5,1 cm. The strips have not been specially arranged in certain patterns, but the confetti pattern has been tried to get visible as much as possible. The size of the finished basket is approx. 11 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm.

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basket from leftover coffee bag pieces

In coffee bag weaving, there are often plenty of coffee bag parts left over, if you are weaving patterns that fit only part of the coffee bag. This happens to me, especially with Juhla Mokka coffee bags. A golden coffee cup with a red base is not one of my favorites as a color combination, so the lower parts of the coffee bags often go unused.

Most of the bags and baskets I weave are in some way precisely designed in terms of patterns, but this one is mixed with strips cut from Juhla Mokka coffee bags without a special pattern plan. The basket is woven with a combination of square weaving and windmill weaving. The coffee bags are cut into 5,4 cm wide strips, which are folded into three-layered rings. In the following video you can see instructions for this weaving technique (the basket in the video is woven only from the upper parts of the Juhla Mokka bags and the size of the basket is slightly larger):

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The height of the basket is two squares (16,5 cm), width three squares (24 cm) and depth five squares (40 cm). In total, 204 strips were used to weave the basket, which, if cut from whole coffee packets, would be about 51 coffee packets.

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juhla vuosi coffee bag basket

After weaving the confetti-patterned bag, there was still some confetti parts left of the coffee bags. In these, however, logos and texts are in the way, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the pattern wouldn’t look great anyway. The width of the cut strips is 6,8 cm.

This basket consists of four squares and four corner pieces. The strips are arranged symmetrically so that the white areas come from the visible parts of the strip to the middle and the angle points outwards from the center of the square. The strips are also arranged in the same way on corner pieces.

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The pieces of the coffee bag basket are connected to each other with a gift cord, which has also been used to cover the seams (instruction on the video above). The top of the basket was left unfinished. The size of the finished basket is about 22,5 x 15 x 15 cm.

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coffee bag basket with art by Manuela Bosco

The 2021 Juhla Mokka Mother’s Day coffee bags depicted a work of art by Manuela Bosco. Mother’s Day bags have always been on sale for so little time that there is not enough time to collect them for a very big project, and this time the bags became almost the smallest basket that can be made with square weaving. The basket consists of two pieces, each with seven strips 10,2 cm wide. The strips are cut from the bag at slightly different points to make the whole pattern as visible as possible.

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The pieces are connected by a gift string, which has also been used at the top of the basket to prevent the strips from escaping from the edge. You can see the whole process on the next video:

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confetti coffee bag bag

The special bags for Juhla Mokka coffee in 2017 were Finland 100 years themed festive confetti-patterned coffee bags. There is plenty of pattern at the top of these bags, which makes pattern design and weaving easy, as there is no need for precise pattern placement. The only challenge with these bags was the reasonably low availability, as with many other seasonally patterned coffee bags. However, clearly more of these have accumulated than, for example, Mother’s Day bags, and weaving an entire bag was possible with little application.

So I had time to collect these bags for about four years and I might have found them somewhere else, but I got tired of waiting and made a bag with the material that I had. This bag used 126 confetti bags and 42 regular Juhla Mokka bags. I used the strips of regular bags for the squares at the bottom of the bag and the bottom three strips for the lower squares at the edges. Six of the squares are completely confetti patterns and two squares are completely non-patterned. The remaining six squares have three unpatterned strips and nine patterned ones.

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The squares are connected with a black gift cord and the top of the bag is finished with black anorak cord. The handles of the bag are made of 2.5 cm wide ribbon, the color of which is quite close to the base color of Juhla Mokka bags. The width of the ribbon is slightly larger than the strips used in the weave, but the weaving had just enough flexibility to thread the ribbon into the weave. In the video you will find more detailed steps for the weaving and making the bag.

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