Designing a Diagonal Stripe Pattern for Coffee Bag Baskets
I was inspired by the zig-zag pattern on my previous coffee bag basket and decided to try a diagonal stripe pattern using solid-colored strips. I chose the red color from the latest Juhla Mokka bags for the base color, which I cut from the top of the bags. I cut the stripes from Parisien, Reykjavik, and Brazil bags. Each stripe used 12 coffee bags, as I cut each strip from its own bag.

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The strips in this basket are made in practically the same way as in square weaving. The strip width is 7 cm and there are a total of 168 strips (12+12+12+132). The base consists of two squares and the sides of the bag are woven slightly differently. The formation of the sides is basically the same technique as a straight braid woven with 4 strips in a zig-zag pattern. Here there are 6 strips, but the zig-zag is not woven with three parallel strips, but with two. You can watch a video below for a more detailed description of the weaving process.

The weaving forms the sides of the bag as two rings, which are finally joined by sewing the hinges, as in normal square weaving. There are small two-strip seams left on the sides of the bag, which are a bit more fiddly to join compared to the long, continuous seams of square weaving.

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The finished basket has a base size of 15cm x 30cm and a height of 30cm.