basket size guide

In square weaving and other loop weaving techniques, the size options of the baskets are somewhat limited and depend on the width of the bags used. However, there are plenty of different possibilities, and a few sizes and shapes of coffee bag baskets have been presented on this page. The sizes are sorted from smallest to largest based on the size of the base of the basket, because the height of the basket can usually be adjusted by adding or removing layers from it. Also folding the edge will give you more height options.

The dimensions apply to approx. 15 cm wide coffee bags, which are e.g. in the traditional Finnish Juhla Mokka, Presidentti and Kulta Katriina coffee bags. If you have bags of different widths, you can divide the given length by fifteen (15cm) and multiply it by the width of your own coffee bag. (Height options in parentheses.) Below each size option, you can see the examples found on the blog. All measurements are in centimetres.

7 x 7 cm (7 cm)

7 x 14 cm (10,5 cm)

7,5 x 7,5 cm (4 cm; 11,5 cm)

7,5 x 22,5 cm (4 cm; 11,5 cm)

9 x 9 cm (9 cm)

10,5 x 10,5 cm (10,5 cm; 21 cm)

10,5 x 21 cm (10,5 cm; 21 cm)

14 x 14 cm (7 cm; 17,5 cm)

14 x 21 cm (7 cm; 17,5 cm)

15 x 15 cm (7,5 cm; 15 cm; 20 cm; 22,5 cm)

15 x 30 cm (7,5 cm; 15 cm; 22,5 cm; 30 cm)

21 x 21 cm (10,5 cm; 21 cm)

21 x 31,5 cm (10,5 cm; 21 cm; 31,5 cm; 42 cm)

24 x 39 cm (17 cm; 24 cm)

30 x 30 cm (7,5 cm; 15 cm; 22,5 cm; 30 cm)

31,5 x 42 cm (10,5 cm; 21 cm; 31,5 cm; 42 cm)

32 x 39 cm (17 cm; 24 cm)

32 x 48 cm (30cm)

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