squaremill 8

red coffee bag basket with tilted square design

The tops of the coffee bags left over from the weaving of the white and black Juhla Mokka basket have been used for this, which are the same color as the back of the package. The gold-colored front part therefore remains inside the basket.

A combination of square weaving and windmill weaving has been used to weave the basket, where the length of the side of the square is half the length of the coffee bag strip. The squares are woven side by side and the basket is formed during the weaving, which is why it is no longer necessary to sew the parts together at the end. Below is a picture of two adjacent squares and a video instruction for basket weaving.

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The height and width of this basket are three squares, and the depth is five squares. 268 strips went into this basket. The size of the basket is approx. 24x24x39 cm. The number of strips can be calculated from the number of squares in the basket, to which the number of strips folded to hide based on the length of the edge is added:

63 (squares) x 4 strips + 16 (edge squares) x 1 strip = 268 strips

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basket from leftover coffee bag pieces

In coffee bag weaving, there are often plenty of coffee bag parts left over, if you are weaving patterns that fit only part of the coffee bag. This happens to me, especially with Juhla Mokka coffee bags. A golden coffee cup with a red base is not one of my favorites as a color combination, so the lower parts of the coffee bags often go unused.

Most of the bags and baskets I weave are in some way precisely designed in terms of patterns, but this one is mixed with strips cut from Juhla Mokka coffee bags without a special pattern plan. The basket is woven with a combination of square weaving and windmill weaving. The coffee bags are cut into 5,4 cm wide strips, which are folded into three-layered rings. In the following video you can see instructions for this weaving technique (the basket in the video is woven only from the upper parts of the Juhla Mokka bags and the size of the basket is slightly larger):

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The height of the basket is two squares (16,5 cm), width three squares (24 cm) and depth five squares (40 cm). In total, 204 strips were used to weave the basket, which, if cut from whole coffee packets, would be about 51 coffee packets.

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small basket with tilted design and holes

This weaving technique combines square weaving and windmill weaving. Woven squares are half the width of a standard woven square. The length left over from the strips is embedded in the adjacent square. The squares are therefore always woven next to each other, so they no longer need to be sewn together at the end as in square weaving. The finished basket therefore contains only one material, and no separate threads or ribbons are needed. At the end, there are strips left to hang on the edge of the woven basket, but they can be finished by e.g. threading them hidden inside the basket. There are definitely neater ways, but this way doesn’t require gluing or sewing.

The width of the strips is slightly wider than in 8×8 square weaving, i.e. 8 strips in a parallel woven square. This is because there is no need to leave extra room for the hinges, but only as much as is needed for weaving or inaccuracy of folding. The strip width in this 15,3 cm wide Presidentti coffee bag is 5,4 cm. About 6 coffee bags are enough for this basket.

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The size of this basket is approx. 9x9x9 cm.

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juhla mokka coffee bag basket with tilted square design

After several baskets and bags of white and black Juhla Mokka, there was quite a lot left overs from the coffee bags. From the lower parts of these bags, I created a low storage basket for my hat shelf, where the hats and gloves are easily buried behind other stuff and it is difficult to find what I’m looking for.

The strip width of these Juhla Mokka bags is 5,4 cm, which when folded is 1,8 cm. The patterns are arranged as a windmill pattern.

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In this weaving technique, the arrangement of the patterns is easy when the squares are not sewn, which makes the strips easily move to the wrong position a couple of millimetres.

Small holes are formed in the basket, but it doesn’t matter with the storage of mittens and hats. It may be a good idea to get some ventilation after use.

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There were 242 strips in this basket. The number of strips can be calculated from the number of squares in the basket, plus the number of strips folded on the upper edge:

56 (squares) x 4 strips + 18 (edge squares) x 1 strip = 242 strips

Four strips could have been cut from one intact coffee package. That is, if weaving a particular pattern is not of interest or monochrome coffee packages are used, then 61 intact coffee packages should suffice for this basket. The dimensions of the finished basket are approx. 17 x 32 x 39 cm.

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